Wedding Officiants
Q. Who can officiate Marriages in Ontario?
A. According to the Marriage Act only Judges, Justices of the Peace, City Clerks, or Officials licenced by the Province of Ontario to solemnize weddings.
Q. What is the function of a wedding Officiant - Accredited Official?
A. A wedding Officiant - Accredited Official’s - function is strictly legal, that is to solemnize marriages according to the laws of the Province and to register the pertinent documents.
Q. What type of wedding ceremony do Officiants - Accredited Officials - perform?
A. All Officiants - Accredited Officials - are trained to perform most cultural and traditional customs requested by the couple.
Q. Can a friend or a relative perform the actual wedding ceremony?
A. Yes. As long as an Officiant - Accredited Official - either witnesses the ceremony or confirms intent, pronounces the couple married and signs all legal documents.
Q. Can couples choose the wording for their wedding ceremony?
A. Yes. As long as legalities are met. Once a wedding is booked the Accredited Official will provide the couple with templates, which they can edit by cutting and pasting, adding or deleting, to create a uniquely personal ceremony. Note that the Accredited Official must receive a final copy of the revised script at least two weeks before the ceremony, otherwise a standard template may be used.
Q. Are wedding Officiants - Accredited Officials - the same as Wedding Planners?
A. No. wedding Officiants - Accredited Officials - may, from experience, offer suggestions, but they are not wedding planners.
Q. What is the average cost of a ceremony?
A. AEIC offers a la carte pricing, couples pay only for services requested. Ceremonies start at $300.00 but can be added to at the couple's request. Once you've booked with us, you'll have our full expertise and we'll help you tailor your ceremony to suit your needs, whether budget or gala.
Q. Do Accredited Officials stay for the reception?
A. No. Accredited Officials, quite often have more than one wedding; they will just slip away as unobtrusively as possible.
Q. Do Accredited Officials expect tips?
A. Accredited Officials, are not regular vendors; Accredited Officials are performing a legal function on behalf of the Province. Nonetheless couples may reward an Accredited Official, for exceptional service, if they so choose.